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Vagrant is a tool for building complete development environments, sandboxed in a virtual machine. Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases development/production parity, and brings the idea of disposable compute resources down to the desktop.


Vagrant can be installed on Arch as shown below:

pacman -S vagrant

Moreover, we need to install a vm provider, such as virtualbox, to be able to run a vm on the system:

pacman -S virtualbox virtualbox-host-modules

Basic CLI

Command Description
vargrant -h Show help.
vagrant init Create Vagrantfile in current working directory.
vagrant up Starts and provisions the vagrant environment.
vagrant ssh SSH into the VM.
vagrant global-status Outputs status Vagrant environments for this user.
vagrant status Outputs status of the vagrant machine.
vagrant package Packages a running vagrant environment into a box.
vagranr reload Restarts vagrant machine, loads new Vagrantfile configuration.
vagrant resume Resume a suspended vagrant machine.
vagtant halt Stops the vagrant machine.
vagrant snapshot Manages snapshots: saving, restoring, etc.
vagrant suspend Suspend the virtual machine.
vagrant destroy Stops and deletes the virtual machine.
vagrant box Manages boxes: installation, removal, etc.

Basic Workflow

  1. Git clone project with a Vagrantfile
  2. cd into project dir
  3. Run vagrant up to start the vm
  4. Do some stuff
  5. Stop the vm
git clone
cd songs-app-django.git
vagrant up

To check the status, we can simply run:

vagrant status

Alternatively, we can also use the global-status command to get an overview of all running vms on the system:

vagrant global-status 

We can also ssh into the vm:

vagrant ssh

For stopping the vm we can run the halt command:

vagrant halt


Create a new Ubuntu Artful VM

vagrant init ubuntu/artful64

Create a new Ubuntu Bionic VM

vagrant init ubuntu/bionic64

Running the VM

vagrant up

SHH into the VM

vagrant ssh

Stopping the VM

vagrant halt